Friday, October 26, 2007

autumn news update

thank you all so much for your faithful prayers over the last six months which have been among the most difficult of my life. thank you to everyone that has supported us in practical ways - you have been the providing and loving arms of the Lord to us.

last week marked a great milestone when i received the final course of chemotherapy! praise God! 24 weeks has been such a long time but He has sustained me and given me new strength for each day.
it will take around 2 months for the toxins to clear from my body and during that time i will be passed back to the surgical team to prepare for a reversal operation, hopefully some time early in the new year.

as regards plans or the future, i try not to make too many but am waiting for God to make the way clear to us. i have resumed my studies at icc having passed a few essays over the summer and hope to attend 2 mornings per week until next summer. i have just returned from a meeting with my former employer and it may be poosible to return to work on a part-time basis by christmas, health permitting.

we are still seeking confirmation of the Lord's will for our future and are open to whatever direction He leads us in. if it is still tanzania. praise Him, if it is another ministry at home or abroad, praise Him. we would value your prayer in this matter as we both feel it is right to seek His face again regarding His call on our lives. obviously family circumstances are different from previously.

joni has just commenced a 5 year CAD and mechanial engineering apprenticeship with crownhouse technologies.

ashley is applying again for the post-grad primary teaching course in 2008 and for the next year has decided to be a carer for her quadraplegic friend david as he completes his honours degree. find out about david at

daniel is surviving 2nd year in the decant school in ek, having just recovered from a broken arm.

ruth is working more hours at st peters primary, both in the office and as classroom assistant.

well that's a brief update.
please continue praying as i undergo further scans and proceedures.
your fellowship has been a taste of heaven.

gripped by grace,



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