Tuesday, November 07, 2006

first posting!

thank you for bothering to check out our blogspot and by this i can assume i am writing to a friend, supporter or family! welcome. we jealously covet your support.
perhaps i could just give a few brief notes to explain our current family situation and ask you to join with us in prayer as we prepare and plan for a summer departure to moshi.

ruth ~ has just graduated from Coatbridge College with a well earned HNC in Child Care and Education. she has secured some part time hours in a new nursery in glassford where she hopes to gain some valuable experience. she spent the summer painting the house and getting it ready to rent!

ashley ~ is studying hard for her degree in phsychology at strathclyde uni in this her 3rd year. she shares a flat with her friend lyndsay in john knox street, glasgow. she has found some great friends at netherauldhouse evangelical church where she has started to get involved in some childrens work. ashley hopes to join us in moshi after her honours year. she is considering primary teaching after a year at mccc.

joni ~ is a newly qualified lifeguard! he is studying hard for 4 highers this year which he hopes to pass before leaving for tanzania. a sixth year at the international school in moshi will help to prepare him for uni, work or an apprenticeship. all of which are future options before he hopes to join the police. i am sure he will be hoping for some summer visitors and lots of letters.

daniel ~ is enjoying first year and finding maths a little easier now! he is becoming fairly accomplished at the bass and can tap out a mean rhythm on joni's drum kit. he most of all can't wait to get to africa as he is a wildlife fanatic. his curent hobbies include swimming and 'working out'.

adi ~ has just recently stepped down to part time hours in order to spend time studying some modules at icc. this has meant resigning from laing o'rourke and becoming a self employed freelancer. laing have offered 3 days per week until next summer. remember me as i attempt 6 varied icc modules this year which i trust will prepare me spiritually for the task ahead.

other prayer points ~ high on the list is preparing the home for leasing next summer. this has meant attending to nearly 7 years neglected diy! please pray that the Lord will enable a long term lease to be secured and too much cash won't be expended on necessary repairs. the leasing market can be a minefield and i feel like a lamb being led to the slaughter! please also remember the applications to interlink which will be submitted later this month and the health screening that will follow. a formal interview will soon take place with the scottish board of trustees. finally we would ask you to pray for and consider becoming a partner with us in this kingdom building venture.

if you would like more information on the work at the childrens centre in moshi, can commit to joining our team as a prayer partner, would like to support the harris family financially or have any other comments to make then please contact me at;


Adrian Harris
38 Crosshill Road
Lanarkshire ML10 6DS

moby ~ 07768.560617