Monday, April 02, 2007

health latest

as many of you may know our plans for a summer departure to tanzania were put on hold when i received the shocking news that i needed major surgery for bowel cancer.
i am now home recuperating from the op and want to take the time to thank everyone for your prayers and support. i have been overwhelmed by the response and the Lord has been faithfully providing for all our needs.
the operation was successful in that it removed all the cancer but i am now awaiting test results to discover what further treatment i may require. please continue to pray for a positive outcome as it is still our strong desire to obey the Lords call to Moshi as soon as i am fit and able.
it will be some time before i am able to take up my hobby of running again but a 'gentile' stroll round the block is my current limit, for which i am thankful.
thank you for the many cards which have encouraged me through the dark days.
i am reminded of the lovely verse 'underneath are the everlasting arms' and am grateful that your prayers are also supporting me through these days.
may God's richest blessing be with each of you and your family,
with much love,
